

well well well. wazzup? hahahaha.

before that, i wanna share my conversation with my old bestfriends.

guy 1: lets get out from another group. miserable gila

girl 1: leggo.

girl 2: why? terseksa sangat ke korg yg ada dlm group tu?

me: from first day we all in that, until now, salam perkenalan je. haha obviously, that group mmg utk        jejak kasih pun kan.

guy 1: semak ah. aku leave, korg ikut skali nak?

girl 2: tak nampak sgt ke kalau kita leave sama2 nnt?

girl 4: hahahaha

guy 1: aku dah leave.

girl 2: aku esok.

me: aku lusa.

guy 2: hahahaha semangat abassiyah korg ni kuat sgt lah. eh betulkan ayat aku?

girl 2: why?

guy 2: ya lah. abasiyah..mean dieorg lepak dgn tribe diaorg je. 

all people: *laugh"

girl 1: assobiyah laaah!

guy 2: LOOOOL

and the rest is history. haahahhahahaahhahahaaahahaha.


so yeah. my weekend went well. the ilmfest was so so so so good! and i think my 200 ringgit worth. and i will share it with yguys indirectly. kot2 rasa tiba2 nak jd ustazah, i'll write it. ogeh? hahahaha. AND, i am a good student there eventhough...alone. i dont care. i took note(S). sometimes, i tersengguk until overslept. kah. 

masuk kepada tajuk asal. the registration. (oh man. i forgot to gosok baju for tomorrow. it soke. )

16 may lepas, ada registration for hostel rite? nak dijadikan cerita, the server was down and down and down like always. 

but the thing is (aku tak tahulah aku yg sentiasa tenang, atau kali ni je sebab aku dlm majlis ilmu masa tu) we all know, that the server WILL down. for sure. we cant expect "ohh yeah..they prepared it, so it will be no problems for student to make their registration." but no. 

the analogy like this went to a concert. man i give this example. ok tukar. when you go to solat jumaat, and after done, all of you berebut keluar from masjid rite? so, it will be chaotic messy and tolak menolak akan berlaku dan perselisihan bahu yg kuat yg tak disengajakan berlaku and sometimes, ur slipper missing? kan? 

u can apply that to this situation. when all the students wanna make a registration in one time, the system will hang. ahh ciptaan manusia kot. manusia. manusia ni pun tak penyabar. tengoklah analogi yg aku bg tu. kalau manusia tu penyabar, they will not make a chaotic time after solat jumaat. when the human himself can apply sabr in theirselve, why should they make a system that can sabr. and sabr is not for things. its for human. so...the people who is used the technology lah yg sepatutnya sabar. u cannot blame the system. cuba sabar. 

get it?

i dont care if you dont have sama ideas with me. Allah ciptakan kita semua memang untuk mempunyai pelbagai pendapat kot. i cant force you to take my thought as yours. 

but, please..dont brag the small things and turn it become a big problem. oh come on. twittering and fb-ing ur prblems cant solve ur problems. a girl, i know sometimes we share our problem in social mdia. yee saya mengakuinya. kerana saya juga melakukannya. but then, when i read it back, aku rasa mcm malu. 

for example, 
kau kutuk2 system kolej kau, dlm pada masa yg sama everyone from another university read it. tak ke malu? padehal kita tahu, every university have the same problems as ours. so no big deal lah.

the most important thing. sabr. its not sabri. i dah move on okayh. it is sabr. sabar. hahahahahaha. mann..i can make a joke of it nowwww. i am really really moving on. im happy for myself. i can go to class happily ever after. eh? kaitan? 

aku rasa sejak aku jd cikgu tadika ni, aku makin matang. erm. 

gednight and assalamualaikum. 

(apa yg aku cerita tiada kena menegena dengan yg hidup dan mati. *takut kena bash dgn dak2 kuis*)

(dilarang membawa keluar apa2 cerita di dlm blog ini ke luar. sbb this is just my thought. ouh act i wanna point it to the last paraghraph. HAHAHAHAHAHA, im really moving on okayh)

(husna yg dulu bukanlah husna yg sekarang)

(can i stop with my 'kurungan?')

(okayh, i can sleep now.)

(okayh, i will end it here. )

(im sad bcause ilmfest has come to the end)

(i wanna go again next year)

(but i dont wanna go alone)

(i dont wanna get marry yet)

(apa kaitan going to ilmfest and getting married?)

(husna dah betul2 ngantuk. gednight for the zillion times)


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